- Genre
- 60's Pop
- 60's Rock
- 80's Pop
- 90's Rock
- Acoustic
- Acoustic Guitar Pop
- Acoustic Rock
- African
- Alternative Rock
- Ambient
- American
- Americana
- Australian
- Beach House
- Bossa Nova
- Breakbeat
- Breakbeats
- Brit Pop
- Brit rock
- Britpop
- Bro-step
- Caribbean
- Carol
- Celtic
- Children
- Children's Music
- Chillout
- Chip step
- Christmas
- Christmas Music
- Cinematic
- Classic
- Classic Rock
- Classica
- Classical
- Classical Guitar
- Club
- College Rock
- Commercial
- Complextro
- Contemporary
- Corporate
- Country
- Crunk
- Dance
- Dark
- Deep House
- Deep-House
- Disco
- Downtempo
- Dreamscape
- Drones
- Drum N Bass
- Dub
- Dubstep
- Eastern
- Easy Listening
- Eighties
- Electro
- Electro House
- Electro Swing
- Electronic
- Electronica
- Emotive
- Film
- Film Score
- Film Trailer
- Folk
- Folk Pop
- Folktronica
- French House
- Funk
- Funk Rock
- Funky
- Funky House
- Future Funk
- G-Funk
- Gamelan Music
- Gameshow
- Garage
- Glitch
- Grunge
- Guitar
- Guitar pop
- Gypsie Jazz
- Halloween
- Hard Rock
- Hawaiian
- Hawiian
- Hip Hop
- Hiphop
- House
- Indian
- Indie
- Indie Disco
- Indie Pop
- Indie Rock
- Irish
- Jazz
- Jazz-Funk
- Jazzy
- Jive
- Kids
- Kitsch
- Latin
- Latin House
- Lifestyle
- Light
- Light Music
- Lighthearted
- Lo-Fi Hip Hop
- Lounge
- Love Songs
- Lullaby
- M'O'R
- Marches
- Metal
- Movie trailer
- New Romantic
- New Wave
- News
- Nu-Soul
- Orchestral
- Pensive
- Piano
- Piano Rock
- Pop
- Pop Rock
- Production
- Punk
- Punk Pop
- Quirky
- R&B
- Radio imaging
- Raggae
- Reaggaeton
- Reggae
- Reggaeton
- Retro Pop
- RnB
- Rock
- Rock & Rock
- Romantic
- Russian
- Salsa
- Samba
- Sci-Fi
- Scottish
- Shuffle
- Ska
- Slapstick
- Soft Funk
- Solo
- Solo Piano
- Soul
- Sound Design
- Sound Effects
- Soundscape
- Soundtrack
- Spanish
- Surf Guitar
- Swing
- Synth Pop
- Traditional
- Trailer
- Trap
- Triphop
- Tropical House
- Upbeat
- Urban
- Wacky
- Westcoast
- Western
- World Music
- Mood
- 1960's
- 60's
- Abstract
- Acoustic
- Action
- Aggressive
- Alternative
- Anthemic
- Antsy
- Aspirational
- Atmospheric
- Badass
- Beauty
- Bitter Sweet
- Bittersweet
- Bliss
- Boston
- Bright
- Brooding
- Brutal
- Calm
- Calm/Peaceful
- Caring
- Cartoon
- Charming
- Cheerful
- Cheesy
- Children
- Chilled
- Chilled Out
- Chillout
- Cinematic
- Comedy
- Confident
- Contemplative
- Contented
- Cool
- Cute
- Dark
- Deep South
- Determined
- Dramatic
- Dreamy
- Driving
- Dynamic
- Eastern
- Eccentric
- Edgey
- Edgy
- Eerie
- Emotional
- Emotional/Loving
- Emotive
- Energetic/Exciting
- Ethereal
- Euphoric
- Excited
- Exciting
- Exotic
- Family
- Fantasy
- Feel good
- Feelgood
- Festive
- Festive Winter
- Franetic
- Frantic
- Friendly
- Fun
- Funky
- Funny
- Futuristic
- Gangster
- Gentle
- Glamorous
- Graceful
- Grand
- Halloween
- Happy
- Hard
- Hazy
- Heroic
- Historical
- Holiday
- Honest
- Hopeful
- Hot
- Human
- Humorous
- Innercity
- Innocent
- Inspirational
- Inspirationl
- Inspiring
- Joy
- Joyful
- Kids
- Laid-back
- Landscape
- Leftfield
- Lifestyle
- Light
- Lighthearted
- Lively
- Lonely
- Lounge
- Lullaby
- Magical
- Majestic
- Meditative
- Melancholic
- Mellow
- Menacing
- Messy
- Middle aged
- Minimal
- Mischievous
- Modern
- Moody
- Mornful
- Morning
- Motivating
- Mysterious
- Mystical
- Nature
- New York
- Nice
- Night time
- Night-time
- Nostalgic
- Offbeat
- Offkilter
- Ominous
- Optimistic
- Passionate
- Pensive
- Playful
- Pleasant
- Ponderous
- Positive
- Powerful
- Presents
- Pretty
- Propulsive
- Proud
- Proud / Strength
- Pure
- Quirky
- Reflective
- Regal
- Relaxing
- Religious
- Retro
- Romantic
- Rustic
- Scary
- Sensual
- Sentimental
- Serious
- Sexy
- Silly
- Simple
- Sinister
- Slick
- Smooth
- Sombre
- Southern
- Spring
- Steamy
- Strong
- Summer
- Sunny
- Surf
- Suspense
- Sweet
- Tense
- Tension
- Thoughtful
- Toy Kingdom
- Trendy
- Triumphant
- Trustworthy
- Truthful
- Uneasy
- Upbeat
- Uplifting
- Urban
- Vintage
- Wacky
- Warm
- Weastcoast
- Westcoast
- Wholesome
- Winter
- Young
- Zany
- Instrumentation
- 808 Drums
- Accordian
- Acoustic Guitar
- Analogue Synthesizer
- Asian
- Backing vocals
- Bagpipes
- Banjo
- Bansuri
- Bass
- Bass Guitar
- Bassline
- Basslines
- Beats
- Bell Tree
- Bells
- Bonang
- Bongo Break
- Bongos
- Brass
- Cello
- Chants
- Chistmas Bells
- Choir
- Church Bells
- Demung
- Drum
- Drum Machine
- Drums
- Drums Bass Guitar
- Eastern
- Electric Guitar
- Electric Guitars
- Ensembles
- Epic Drums
- Ethnic Instruments
- Flute
- Fuzz Bass
- Gender
- Glockenspiels
- Guitar
- Guitars
- Hammond Organ
- Hand Claps
- Harmonica
- Harps
- Harpsichord
- Honkytonk Piano
- Jazz Guitar
- Kazoo
- Kenong
- Keyboard
- Mandolin
- Marimba
- Marimbas
- Mashak
- Metallophone
- Mouth Organ
- Music Box
- Musicbox
- Oboe
- Orchestra
- Organ
- Peking
- Percussion
- Piano
- Piccolo
- Pizzicato Strings
- Plucked Guitar
- Plucked Ukulele
- Rap Vocal
- Rhodes
- Rhodes Piano
- Rock Guitar
- Rock Guitar
- Saron
- Saw wave synth
- Sax
- Saxophone
- Scratching
- Shaker
- Shaker Drums
- Shuffle
- Sitar
- Sleigh Bells
- Slenthem
- Slide Guitar
- Solo Instrument
- Sound Effects
- Spanish Guitar
- Steel Drum
- String section
- Strings
- Synth
- Synth Pad
- Synthersizer
- Synths
- Tabla
- Tambourine
- Timbales
- Titti
- Tremolo Guitar
- Trombone
- Trumpet
- Turntables
- Ukulele
- Venu
- Violin
- Vocal
- Vocal Harmony
- Vocals
- Voice
- Wah Guitar
- Wah Wah Guitar
- Whistling
- Wind Instruments
- Xylophone
- Xylophones
- glockenspiel
- keyboards
- Advertising
- Accident Claims
- Action
- Adoption/Fostering
- Adventure
- Adventure Sport
- Airline
- Alps
- Autumn
- Baby Products
- Bars/Cafes
- Beauty Products
- Building
- Buisness
- Business/Tech
- Caravans/Holidays
- Cars
- Charities
- Children
- Christmas
- Cinematic
- City Life
- Citylife
- Clothing
- Clublife
- College
- Computers/Game
- Construction
- Cool
- Councils
- Creative
- Dark
- Dating
- Days Out
- Documentaries
- Driving
- Easy Listening
- Education
- Electrical Goods
- Estate Agents
- Family
- Fashion
- Fast Food
- Festive
- Film Score
- Film Trailer
- Financial Service
- Fun
- Furniture Retails
- Gardening
- Gyms
- Hard Sell
- Health Clubs
- Health and Beauty
- Healthcare
- High End/Luxury
- Holiday
- Homeware
- Innercity
- Insurance
- Jewelers
- Kids
- Kitchen Retail
- Laid-back
- Lifestyle
- Male
- Men
- Modern
- Moody
- Mountains
- Museums
- Nature
- Ourtdoors
- Outdoor Activities
- Outdoors
- Pets
- Public Services
- Recruitment
- Relaxing
- Restaurants
- Retail Clothing
- Retail Food
- Sentimental
- Serious
- Soft Sell
- Sports
- Springtime
- Summer
- Theme Parks
- Tourism
- Toys
- Transport
- Travel
- Travel Agents
- Upbeat
- Young
- Youth/Energy
- Country
- Tempo
Who we've worked with

What's Hot
CWM0147 Little Synths
Effortlessly blending cute little melodies with retro Chiptune synth sounds.Genre: Chiptune / Electronica / Pop
CWM0146 Hip Hop Ukuleles Vol. 2
An eclectic mix ukulele based funk, electronica and Latin music all set over hip hop beats.Genre: Hip Hop / Latin / Folktronica
CWM0145 Classical Mash-Ups Vol. 2
A wild and wacky collection of Trap, Hip hop and Electronic works that contain elements of classical music.Genre: Classical / Hip Hop / Trap / Big Beat
CWM0144 Metallophone Soundscapes
A collection of spare and hypnotic soundscapes, mixing metallophones with moody synths, beats and basslines.Genre: Ambient / Chill Hop / Trip Hop
CWM0143 Festive Winter Music Beds
Modern dance beats mixed with themes from traditional Christmas and winter festive period.Genre: Christmas / Dance / House
CWM0142 Vinyl Beats
A quirky collection of hip hop tracks that feature elements of funk, jazz and turnablism.Genre: Hip Hop / Funk / Turntablism
CWM0141 World Mashups Vol. 2
An eclectic mix of exotic intruments playing world music over aggressive modern beats.Genre: World Music / Samba / Eastern / Hip Hop / Trap
CWM0140 Summer Guitar Moods
Fun, upbeat guitar tracks that are perfect for spring and summertime productions.Genre: Acoustic Pop / Guitar Pop / Pop Rock / Folk Rock
As it's almost #halloween, here is another excellently spooky track from our library."Haunted Musical Box" by La… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Halloween is nearly upon us and Clear Wave has 4 Halloween albums for your productions.Music: "Zombie Graveyard"… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Here are some of the shows to have used Clear Wave Music in the last year.Great work from our very talented compo… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Great stuff! Erik's music is top notch!!!Also big thanks to the team at @BMGPM_UK for all the support. twitter.com/FlyErikL/statu…
Clear Wave Music is currently reviewing it's music submission policy.Many thanks.